New Engine Shed

Around 2018 we bought a engine shed layout of ebay. The layout has an engine shed based on Plymouth Friary shed with fictional track plan. We have taken the original layout and added a fiddle yard to make better scope for movement with two tracks going in and out as the original only had a swinging sector plate and hidden siding. Unfortunately I forgot to take a before and after shot of the layout but this is the after shot.

There was also a very big empty space which we decided to ill with multiple extra tracks. The image below shows the new tracks circled.

Lots of work is still to go but the basic layout is there. The images below show a little more of the layout and the new fiddle yard.

New Layout

With Berkeley Junction leaving to a new home a decision to make a smaller more manageable layout was taken.

The boards have been made but not much more progress unfortunately due to lack of time and other projects. The track plan is loosely based on Carrog station with hints of other places. A long way to go but we hope to have some progress on this soon.


Hi all,

Not much still to update but we are starting to get back to some sort of normality when it comes to group events. Friday Nights are back but with big changed with only group members being allowed to come. Hopefully in the future we will get back to open Friday nights later in the year.

Two new layouts are in work. One with track down and in a running state the other only boards made. I will publish photos shorlty.


Sorry for the lack of updates on this page.  Unfortunately having a baby has got in the way of me being able to get to do much in the sense of modeling or updates on here.  I know i have promised this before but i will try harder to get some updates and show the new project now that Berkeley Junction is with new owners.